
5 CHOB Soundwalk in Kaliningrad
Soundwalk version of 5 CHOB for the exhibition Experience 1 Day at NCCA in Kaliningrad, Russia. For this one-day event curated by Fernando Henrique I adapted my compositions from Nikola Lenivets as 5 different soundwalks – to be enjoyed in the

5 CHOB Soundwalk in Kaliningrad
Soundwalk version of 5 CHOB for the exhibition Experience 1 Day at NCCA in Kaliningrad, Russia. For this one-day event curated by Fernando Henrique I adapted my compositions from Nikola Lenivets as 5 different soundwalks – to be enjoyed in the

Five Dreams of Nikola Lenivets (2013)
5 CHOB НИКОЛА-ЛЕНИВЦА (5 Dreams of Nikola Lenivets) is a multichannel sound composition based on recordings made with inhabitants of Nikola Lenivets in Russia. Using techniques from improvised theatre, dance and psychotherapy we reenacted dreams the participants had in the village. Psychodrama methods

Five Dreams of Nikola Lenivets (2013)
5 CHOB НИКОЛА-ЛЕНИВЦА (5 Dreams of Nikola Lenivets) is a multichannel sound composition based on recordings made with inhabitants of Nikola Lenivets in Russia. Using techniques from improvised theatre, dance and psychotherapy we reenacted dreams the participants had in the village. Psychodrama methods