
Meditations for the End of the Universe

Inhale, exhale and relax for the ultimate apocalypse. Embark on an astral projection to the astrophysical end of the universe.

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Meditations for the End of the Universe

Inhale, exhale and relax for the ultimate apocalypse. Embark on an astral projection to the astrophysical end of the universe.

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Apophenia – Meaningful Connections Between Things

A neuroscientist, a dancer, a pigeon fancier and a string trio connect neuronal patterns in the brain with patterns in bird flocks, dance, music and language : “neuromancer meets ornithomancer”.

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Apophenia – Meaningful Connections Between Things

A neuroscientist, a dancer, a pigeon fancier and a string trio connect neuronal patterns in the brain with patterns in bird flocks, dance, music and language : “neuromancer meets ornithomancer”.

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Synchronicity (16mm)

16mm photographic film was directly exposed to the light of two captive fireflies (Pteroptyx malaccae). Inside a dark space, without camera or optics, the insects were simply placed on an analogue film strip.

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Synchronicity (16mm)

16mm photographic film was directly exposed to the light of two captive fireflies (Pteroptyx malaccae). Inside a dark space, without camera or optics, the insects were simply placed on an analogue film strip.

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Singing with the Insect Choir: A culicomorpha swarm reacting to voices of two scientists

In 1861, the entomologist Osten-Sacken refers to a Cuban naturalist who once told him that whenever the note ‘A’ was played by a band, the swarm of mosquitoes hovering over his head suddenly flew downward toward his face. More recently, during their research on mosquitoes and chironomids, scientists Lionel Feugère and Gabriella Gibson also noticed how these insects react to the sound of their voices. A musical relationship unfolds as night falls on the marshes of Northward Hill in northern Kent.

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Singing with the Insect Choir: A culicomorpha swarm reacting to voices of two scientists

In 1861, the entomologist Osten-Sacken refers to a Cuban naturalist who once told him that whenever the note ‘A’ was played by a band, the swarm of mosquitoes hovering over his head suddenly flew downward toward his face. More recently, during their research on mosquitoes and chironomids, scientists Lionel Feugère and Gabriella Gibson also noticed how these insects react to the sound of their voices. A musical relationship unfolds as night falls on the marshes of Northward Hill in northern Kent.

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Chimera States: Synchronicity exhibition at EPFL, Switzerland

Current mathematical models don’t capture the complexities of the fireflies’ synchronizing behaviour, instigating the creation of new models called Chimera States. A collaboration with the mathematics department of Northwestern University resulted in a multichannel video installation “Chimera States”, displayed at EPFL Pavilions in 2023.

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Chimera States: Synchronicity exhibition at EPFL, Switzerland

Current mathematical models don’t capture the complexities of the fireflies’ synchronizing behaviour, instigating the creation of new models called Chimera States. A collaboration with the mathematics department of Northwestern University resulted in a multichannel video installation “Chimera States”, displayed at EPFL Pavilions in 2023.

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Satie Variations (Offspring)

Satie Variations is a generative composition commissioned by Pierre Huyghe for a new version of his Untitled (Light Show). The composition is a custom algorithm based on a recurrent neural network (Performance RNN, Max, Bach library, etc.) and is trained to play infinite variations of Erik Satie’s Gymnopédies 1 & 3.

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Satie Variations (Offspring)

Satie Variations is a generative composition commissioned by Pierre Huyghe for a new version of his Untitled (Light Show). The composition is a custom algorithm based on a recurrent neural network (Performance RNN, Max, Bach library, etc.) and is trained to play infinite variations of Erik Satie’s Gymnopédies 1 & 3.

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Collective Feeding

In 2014, Dutch authorities began to kill a small population of house crows (corvus splendens) near the Port of Rotterdam. The crows likely arrived from Sri Lanka around 1994 as stowaways on a commercial container boat. Apparently, international trade in a country is now understood to be the most reliable predictor of the number of introduced species found there. The house crows were all killed, except for one that found shelter in a Dutch apartment.

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Collective Feeding

In 2014, Dutch authorities began to kill a small population of house crows (corvus splendens) near the Port of Rotterdam. The crows likely arrived from Sri Lanka around 1994 as stowaways on a commercial container boat. Apparently, international trade in a country is now understood to be the most reliable predictor of the number of introduced species found there. The house crows were all killed, except for one that found shelter in a Dutch apartment.

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Synchronicity (NYC)

Synchronicity (Thailand) is shown at Arsenal Contemporary NY – 214 Bowery – from 6 March to 22 April 2018. Press Release Article in Whitewall 39 must-see shows in artnet Thank you Pierre and Anne-Marie Trahan, Isabelle Kowal, Loreta Lamargese, Elise Gallant and last

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Synchronicity (NYC)

Synchronicity (Thailand) is shown at Arsenal Contemporary NY – 214 Bowery – from 6 March to 22 April 2018. Press Release Article in Whitewall 39 must-see shows in artnet Thank you Pierre and Anne-Marie Trahan, Isabelle Kowal, Loreta Lamargese, Elise Gallant and last

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Satellite Sonata

Satellite Sonata was a musical encounter with 5 local musicians (Mumbai Police Band and Goa Orchestra) conducted by Santiago Lusardi-Girelli for the Story of Space Festival, an educational and artistic event in Panjim, Goa.

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Satellite Sonata

Satellite Sonata was a musical encounter with 5 local musicians (Mumbai Police Band and Goa Orchestra) conducted by Santiago Lusardi-Girelli for the Story of Space Festival, an educational and artistic event in Panjim, Goa.

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Synchronicity (Thailand)

In a mangrove forest in Thailand live fireflies (Pteroptyx malaccae) synchronise their flashes with computer controlled LED’s. By establishing a light-based form of communication with the insects, the artists influence the rhythmic flashing of large colonies of fireflies. A silent orchestra harmonises without the need for a conductor. With no central control, computers and insects interact in this rhythmic composition of light.


Synchronicity (Thailand)

In a mangrove forest in Thailand live fireflies (Pteroptyx malaccae) synchronise their flashes with computer controlled LED’s. By establishing a light-based form of communication with the insects, the artists influence the rhythmic flashing of large colonies of fireflies. A silent orchestra harmonises without the need for a conductor. With no central control, computers and insects interact in this rhythmic composition of light.


L’ordre des Lucioles at Fondation Ricard

a collection of photos from the Paris version of Synchronicity for the Ricard Art Prize “L’ordre des Lucioles” from Sept 15 – Oct 31 2015 at Fondation Ricard in Paris Le Prix Fondation d’entreprise Ricard 2015 ouvre des champs de recherches qui

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L’ordre des Lucioles at Fondation Ricard

a collection of photos from the Paris version of Synchronicity for the Ricard Art Prize “L’ordre des Lucioles” from Sept 15 – Oct 31 2015 at Fondation Ricard in Paris Le Prix Fondation d’entreprise Ricard 2015 ouvre des champs de recherches qui

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Song for Ghost Travelers (2015)

Song for Ghost Travellers is a score for twelve pigeons and three musicians. Inspired by the Chinese tradition of attaching spherical flutes to pigeons, this performance explores ideas of chance and structure through patterns of flying birds and movements of trains inside a railway station.


Song for Ghost Travelers (2015)

Song for Ghost Travellers is a score for twelve pigeons and three musicians. Inspired by the Chinese tradition of attaching spherical flutes to pigeons, this performance explores ideas of chance and structure through patterns of flying birds and movements of trains inside a railway station.


Synchronicity (2015)

Synchronicity is an installation exploring the emergence of natural cycles and synchrony inside an artificial biosphere. Live fireflies and crickets are made to flash and chirp in unison with two synchronising pendulums by manipulating the insect’s behaviour through lights and sounds. Inspired by this synchrony an array of electronic devices join the chorus and start to flicker, buzz or move in sync.


Synchronicity (2015)

Synchronicity is an installation exploring the emergence of natural cycles and synchrony inside an artificial biosphere. Live fireflies and crickets are made to flash and chirp in unison with two synchronising pendulums by manipulating the insect’s behaviour through lights and sounds. Inspired by this synchrony an array of electronic devices join the chorus and start to flicker, buzz or move in sync.


Fossil Records (2015)

Fossil Records is a reconstruction of the sounds emitted by a fossilised insect. By creating a digital model of a highly detailed fossil’s stridulatory file its sound was made to come alive again and was then printed on a playable steel/copper disk in reference to the Golden Record on NASA’s voyager space probe: A record playing sounds from millions of years ago – in symmetry to a future civilisation discovering the Voyager space probe millions of years from now.

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Fossil Records (2015)

Fossil Records is a reconstruction of the sounds emitted by a fossilised insect. By creating a digital model of a highly detailed fossil’s stridulatory file its sound was made to come alive again and was then printed on a playable steel/copper disk in reference to the Golden Record on NASA’s voyager space probe: A record playing sounds from millions of years ago – in symmetry to a future civilisation discovering the Voyager space probe millions of years from now.

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F93 – space balloon

production 2013: f93 (Stéphane Coulaud), CNES, Planète Sciences in collaboration with the teachers Jean-Michel Rossi and Jeff Lance and their students Projet éducatif: une caméra filme depuis un ballon météorologique pendant sa montée jusqu’à 30km. après une vue imprenable sur la terre et

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F93 – space balloon

production 2013: f93 (Stéphane Coulaud), CNES, Planète Sciences in collaboration with the teachers Jean-Michel Rossi and Jeff Lance and their students Projet éducatif: une caméra filme depuis un ballon météorologique pendant sa montée jusqu’à 30km. après une vue imprenable sur la terre et

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5 CHOB Soundwalk in Kaliningrad

Soundwalk version of 5 CHOB for the exhibition Experience 1 Day at NCCA in Kaliningrad, Russia. For this one-day event curated by Fernando Henrique I adapted my compositions from Nikola Lenivets as 5 different soundwalks – to be enjoyed in the

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5 CHOB Soundwalk in Kaliningrad

Soundwalk version of 5 CHOB for the exhibition Experience 1 Day at NCCA in Kaliningrad, Russia. For this one-day event curated by Fernando Henrique I adapted my compositions from Nikola Lenivets as 5 different soundwalks – to be enjoyed in the

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Five Dreams of Nikola Lenivets (2013)

5 CHOB НИКОЛА-ЛЕНИВЦА (5 Dreams of Nikola Lenivets) is a multichannel sound composition based on recordings made with inhabitants of Nikola Lenivets in Russia. Using techniques from improvised theatre, dance and psychotherapy we reenacted dreams the participants had in the village. Psychodrama methods

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Five Dreams of Nikola Lenivets (2013)

5 CHOB НИКОЛА-ЛЕНИВЦА (5 Dreams of Nikola Lenivets) is a multichannel sound composition based on recordings made with inhabitants of Nikola Lenivets in Russia. Using techniques from improvised theatre, dance and psychotherapy we reenacted dreams the participants had in the village. Psychodrama methods

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If The Lion Could Speak (2012)

Robin Meier and Ali Momeni Curated by Virginie Bourget for Domaine Garenne Lemot (Conseil Général Loire-Atlantique), Clisson, France Matériaux divers, Apis mellifera ligustica, dite abeille italienne Extraits du Golden Record de Voyager : – 55 salutations de 55 langues –

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If The Lion Could Speak (2012)

Robin Meier and Ali Momeni Curated by Virginie Bourget for Domaine Garenne Lemot (Conseil Général Loire-Atlantique), Clisson, France Matériaux divers, Apis mellifera ligustica, dite abeille italienne Extraits du Golden Record de Voyager : – 55 salutations de 55 langues –

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Human Use of Human Beings (2013)

Curated by Charles Carcopino Co-Produced by Lille3000, Seconde Nature, La Gare Numérique (Jeumont), Le Manège (Mons), DICRéAM (CNC) and Arcadi shown at Festival VIA Maubeuge, Festival Exit Paris, Gare St. Sauveur Lille, Seconde Nature Aix-en-Provence robotic installation In his 1950

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Human Use of Human Beings (2013)

Curated by Charles Carcopino Co-Produced by Lille3000, Seconde Nature, La Gare Numérique (Jeumont), Le Manège (Mons), DICRéAM (CNC) and Arcadi shown at Festival VIA Maubeuge, Festival Exit Paris, Gare St. Sauveur Lille, Seconde Nature Aix-en-Provence robotic installation In his 1950

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“plis/replis” : Pommery #9 – La Fabrique Sonore (2011)

Robin Meier and Ali Momeni in collaboration with Hyoung-Gul Kook (architect) Curated by Claire Staebler and Charles Carcopino for Vranken Pommery Monopole, Reims more images here “The Baroque refers not to an essence but rather to an operative function, to

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“plis/replis” : Pommery #9 – La Fabrique Sonore (2011)

Robin Meier and Ali Momeni in collaboration with Hyoung-Gul Kook (architect) Curated by Claire Staebler and Charles Carcopino for Vranken Pommery Monopole, Reims more images here “The Baroque refers not to an essence but rather to an operative function, to

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The Tragedy of the Commons (2011)

Robin Meier and Ali Momeni Palais de Tokyo, from July 7 to September 18 2011 Curated by Marc Bembekof and Marc-Olivier Wahler Supported by Pro Helvetia and LEEC Paris 13 [EN] The Tragedy of the Commons consists of a live experiment in


The Tragedy of the Commons (2011)

Robin Meier and Ali Momeni Palais de Tokyo, from July 7 to September 18 2011 Curated by Marc Bembekof and Marc-Olivier Wahler Supported by Pro Helvetia and LEEC Paris 13 [EN] The Tragedy of the Commons consists of a live experiment in


The Body is a Vessel (2010)

For Freediver and Computer   Performance duration: 15 minutes Radio transmission of an excerpt of The Body is a Vessel on national radio Deutschlandradio Kultur, Klangkunst (by Marcus Gammel) PDF documentation here Premiered at the SuperCollider Symposium at the kleine

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The Body is a Vessel (2010)

For Freediver and Computer   Performance duration: 15 minutes Radio transmission of an excerpt of The Body is a Vessel on national radio Deutschlandradio Kultur, Klangkunst (by Marcus Gammel) PDF documentation here Premiered at the SuperCollider Symposium at the kleine

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Serenity and Serendipity (Madras-Madrid) (2010)

Architectural sound installation by Robin Meier and Ali Momeni for Auditorio Nacional de Musica, Madrid Produced by Auditorio Nacional de Musica de Madrid for indian music festival (June 15 – June 31 2010) Serenity and Serendipity (Madras-Madrid) by Robin Meier

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Serenity and Serendipity (Madras-Madrid) (2010)

Architectural sound installation by Robin Meier and Ali Momeni for Auditorio Nacional de Musica, Madrid Produced by Auditorio Nacional de Musica de Madrid for indian music festival (June 15 – June 31 2010) Serenity and Serendipity (Madras-Madrid) by Robin Meier

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A Tentative Call to the Other (2010)

Architectural Sound installation with Ali Momeni for DYNASTY (June 10-September 5, 2010) commissioned by Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris with support from the Council for Artistic Creation and the City of Paris. PDF documentation here A Tentative Call to the

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A Tentative Call to the Other (2010)

Architectural Sound installation with Ali Momeni for DYNASTY (June 10-September 5, 2010) commissioned by Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris with support from the Council for Artistic Creation and the City of Paris. PDF documentation here A Tentative Call to the

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Truce: Strategies for Post-Apocalyptic Computation (2009)

BBC News Interactive Installation in Collaboration with Ali Momeni Honorary mention at Ars Electronica 2009 Exhibition at SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Yokohama 2009 Exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2010 Exhibition at Musée des Beaux Arts, Nantes 2012 BBC News from

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Truce: Strategies for Post-Apocalyptic Computation (2009)

BBC News Interactive Installation in Collaboration with Ali Momeni Honorary mention at Ars Electronica 2009 Exhibition at SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Yokohama 2009 Exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2010 Exhibition at Musée des Beaux Arts, Nantes 2012 BBC News from

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LMD (2008)

Music for Last Manoeuvres in the Dark ° Last Manoeuvres in the Dark (LMD) is an installation for SUPERDOME (may 29 – august 24 2008) at Palais de Tokyo (Paris) by Fabien Giraud and Raphael Siboni – Music by Robin

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LMD (2008)

Music for Last Manoeuvres in the Dark ° Last Manoeuvres in the Dark (LMD) is an installation for SUPERDOME (may 29 – august 24 2008) at Palais de Tokyo (Paris) by Fabien Giraud and Raphael Siboni – Music by Robin

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Bipperlisi (2008)

“Czechoslovakia”   Bipperlisi is a sound-installation inside a public train connecting Solothurn with Langenthal in Switzerland. For this commission by the Kuratorium Solothurn we synchronized music specially composed for this occasion to the scenery rushing past outside the windows of

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Bipperlisi (2008)

“Czechoslovakia”   Bipperlisi is a sound-installation inside a public train connecting Solothurn with Langenthal in Switzerland. For this commission by the Kuratorium Solothurn we synchronized music specially composed for this occasion to the scenery rushing past outside the windows of

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For Alan Turing (2004)

Pièce pour deux réseaux de neurones. Composé en juin 2004 à Nice see here for a publication on “For Alan Turing”. “For Alan Turing” met en jeu un réseau de neurones artificiels, une simulation informatique de l’activité neurologique du cerveau.

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For Alan Turing (2004)

Pièce pour deux réseaux de neurones. Composé en juin 2004 à Nice see here for a publication on “For Alan Turing”. “For Alan Turing” met en jeu un réseau de neurones artificiels, une simulation informatique de l’activité neurologique du cerveau.

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Caresses de Marquises (Nuit Blanche 2004)

Installation / Concert de Robin Meier et Frédéric Voisin Nuit Blanche Octobre 2004, Gare de l’Est, Paris Direction Artistique : Nicolas Frize Production : Marie de Paris, SNCF, SACEM, Art Public Contemporain, CIRM extraits sonores enregistrés lors des répétitions: quatuor2270904

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Caresses de Marquises (Nuit Blanche 2004)

Installation / Concert de Robin Meier et Frédéric Voisin Nuit Blanche Octobre 2004, Gare de l’Est, Paris Direction Artistique : Nicolas Frize Production : Marie de Paris, SNCF, SACEM, Art Public Contemporain, CIRM extraits sonores enregistrés lors des répétitions: quatuor2270904

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Remember Me? (2007)

Audiovisual Installation with Noël Dernesch at Artrepco Gallery in Zurich. Music generated by an algorithm inspired by synchronizing fireflies. Remember me? oscillates between illusion and truth, projection and reality. It raises questions about identity, about our “vision” and our history.

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Remember Me? (2007)

Audiovisual Installation with Noël Dernesch at Artrepco Gallery in Zurich. Music generated by an algorithm inspired by synchronizing fireflies. Remember me? oscillates between illusion and truth, projection and reality. It raises questions about identity, about our “vision” and our history.

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Symphonie des Machines (2006)

reportage video and interview with Frédéric Voisin by Teleavision La Symphonie des machines est une installation-concert pour une population d’agents neuromimétiques. Elle a été créée du 6 au 9 juin 2006 lors de la première édition du Festival de la

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Symphonie des Machines (2006)

reportage video and interview with Frédéric Voisin by Teleavision La Symphonie des machines est une installation-concert pour une population d’agents neuromimétiques. Elle a été créée du 6 au 9 juin 2006 lors de la première édition du Festival de la

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Experiment in Fish/Machine Communication (2007)

Sound-Installation at Sous-Station Lebon, Nice 2007 “Experiment in Fish/Machine Communication” est une tentative d’établir une communication entre des animaux et une machine. Des signaux électriques émis par un poisson éléphant et deux poissons couteaux sont appris par un système de


Experiment in Fish/Machine Communication (2007)

Sound-Installation at Sous-Station Lebon, Nice 2007 “Experiment in Fish/Machine Communication” est une tentative d’établir une communication entre des animaux et une machine. Des signaux électriques émis par un poisson éléphant et deux poissons couteaux sont appris par un système de