
Synchronicity (2015)
Synchronicity is an installation exploring the emergence of natural cycles and synchrony inside an artificial biosphere. Live fireflies and crickets are made to flash and chirp in unison with two synchronising pendulums by manipulating the insect’s behaviour through lights and sounds. Inspired by this synchrony an array of electronic devices join the chorus and start to flicker, buzz or move in sync.

Synchronicity (2015)
Synchronicity is an installation exploring the emergence of natural cycles and synchrony inside an artificial biosphere. Live fireflies and crickets are made to flash and chirp in unison with two synchronising pendulums by manipulating the insect’s behaviour through lights and sounds. Inspired by this synchrony an array of electronic devices join the chorus and start to flicker, buzz or move in sync.

Testing Firefly Sync in Russia
Controlling dozens of LED lights inside Nikolay Polissky’s Universal Mind sculpture in Nikola Lenivets, Russia using a custom jitter patch that simulates synchronizing fireflies. see 5 CHOB for the final artwork, synchronizing firefly simulation for the MaxMSP Jitter patch and firefly

Testing Firefly Sync in Russia
Controlling dozens of LED lights inside Nikolay Polissky’s Universal Mind sculpture in Nikola Lenivets, Russia using a custom jitter patch that simulates synchronizing fireflies. see 5 CHOB for the final artwork, synchronizing firefly simulation for the MaxMSP Jitter patch and firefly

Five Dreams of Nikola Lenivets (2013)
5 CHOB НИКОЛА-ЛЕНИВЦА (5 Dreams of Nikola Lenivets) is a multichannel sound composition based on recordings made with inhabitants of Nikola Lenivets in Russia. Using techniques from improvised theatre, dance and psychotherapy we reenacted dreams the participants had in the village. Psychodrama methods

Five Dreams of Nikola Lenivets (2013)
5 CHOB НИКОЛА-ЛЕНИВЦА (5 Dreams of Nikola Lenivets) is a multichannel sound composition based on recordings made with inhabitants of Nikola Lenivets in Russia. Using techniques from improvised theatre, dance and psychotherapy we reenacted dreams the participants had in the village. Psychodrama methods

Firefly Sync Simulation
a small max / jitter patch which simulates a system of coupled oscillators as in synchronizing fireflies. it’s inspired by algorithms described by Steven Strogatz in his book “Sync”. let me know if you make something with it! I tested this patch

Firefly Sync Simulation
a small max / jitter patch which simulates a system of coupled oscillators as in synchronizing fireflies. it’s inspired by algorithms described by Steven Strogatz in his book “Sync”. let me know if you make something with it! I tested this patch
Recurrent Oscillatory Self-Organizing Map ROSOM
Period detection and representation by recurrent oscillatory self-organizing map by Mauri Kaipainen and Tommi Ilmonen Abstract: Whether or not periodicity is a property of the environment, for a cognitive system a period is always a dynamical mental construct. This study
Recurrent Oscillatory Self-Organizing Map ROSOM
Period detection and representation by recurrent oscillatory self-organizing map by Mauri Kaipainen and Tommi Ilmonen Abstract: Whether or not periodicity is a property of the environment, for a cognitive system a period is always a dynamical mental construct. This study

got the idea for this model of fireflies flashing in sync reading Steven Strogatz’s book “Sync” Download the MaxMSP patch

got the idea for this model of fireflies flashing in sync reading Steven Strogatz’s book “Sync” Download the MaxMSP patch

Fireflies sync
two beautiful videos sent to me by mariko montpetit showing a population of fireflies synchronizing through a mechanism of self-organization

Fireflies sync
two beautiful videos sent to me by mariko montpetit showing a population of fireflies synchronizing through a mechanism of self-organization