On Analytical vs. Schizophrenic Procedures for Computing Music


I published a paper in the journal Contemporary Music Review (Volume 28, Issue 2) together with Frédéric Voisin on analytical vs. schizophrenic procedures for computing music. Amongst other things, the paper analyzes our work for Last Manoeuvres in the Dark.

You can access the article here (subscription required)

Abstract: The authors present a perspective on computer music, which is based on some particular definitions of music in relation to oral culture and cybernetics. They describe some experiments with different models of neural architectures which generate original music, and then suggest that if such neural systems are rich, effective and intuitive enough to produce ‘live’ music, the understanding of their behaviour may require the development of some ‘schizophrenic’ procedures, as well as analytical ones.

Keywords: Oral Cultures; Cybernetics; Automated Music Generation; Neural Networks; Multi-agent Systems; Music Information Retrieval