
The Vanishing Actor
A contribution by Bastien Gallet and myself to a special issue of Architectural Design (Volume 87, Issue 4 – July 2017) edited by Skylar Tibbits, “AD Autonomous Assembly: Designing for a New Era of Collective Construction“. PDF link below:

The Vanishing Actor
A contribution by Bastien Gallet and myself to a special issue of Architectural Design (Volume 87, Issue 4 – July 2017) edited by Skylar Tibbits, “AD Autonomous Assembly: Designing for a New Era of Collective Construction“. PDF link below:

Art Press on Song for Ghost Travelers
Article by Anaël Pigeat about Song for Ghost Travelers in Art Press

Art Press on Song for Ghost Travelers
Article by Anaël Pigeat about Song for Ghost Travelers in Art Press

Synchronisation vs. Synchronicity
Great article in the current issue of Dissonance by Bastien Gallet on Synchronicity at Art Basel. Synchronisation vs synchronicity Of animal music and man’s uselessness. About an installation by Robin Meier Bastien Gallet Synchronicity. That is the title of an installation

Synchronisation vs. Synchronicity
Great article in the current issue of Dissonance by Bastien Gallet on Synchronicity at Art Basel. Synchronisation vs synchronicity Of animal music and man’s uselessness. About an installation by Robin Meier Bastien Gallet Synchronicity. That is the title of an installation

RADIO at Fondation Louis Vuitton
à écouter pendant 24h: RADIO, une station dédiée à la poésie conçue par Anne-James Chaton à la Fondation Louis Vuitton. J’interviens samedi matin 11h-12h dans la discussion animé par Bastien Gallet en compagnie de Laure Gauthier, David Christoffel et Jérôme

RADIO at Fondation Louis Vuitton
à écouter pendant 24h: RADIO, une station dédiée à la poésie conçue par Anne-James Chaton à la Fondation Louis Vuitton. J’interviens samedi matin 11h-12h dans la discussion animé par Bastien Gallet en compagnie de Laure Gauthier, David Christoffel et Jérôme

Mosquitoes on BBC News
watch Truce on the bbc website or you can listen to a piece from the BBC Radio 4 “Today Programme” flv (16mb) or mp4 (168mb) and special farsi version!

Mosquitoes on BBC News
watch Truce on the bbc website or you can listen to a piece from the BBC Radio 4 “Today Programme” flv (16mb) or mp4 (168mb) and special farsi version!

Article in The Wire
UK magazine The Wire just published an article about Truce in light of our upcoming show at sonic-a in Glasgow.

Article in The Wire
UK magazine The Wire just published an article about Truce in light of our upcoming show at sonic-a in Glasgow.

Interview on Mayak Moscow
Scientist and journalist Ilya Kolmanovsky (first from right) invited me to his show on Moscow’s official radio station Mayak to talk about science, technology and art. and – uhm – it’s in russian. Наука журналист Илья Колмановский пригласил меня к

Interview on Mayak Moscow
Scientist and journalist Ilya Kolmanovsky (first from right) invited me to his show on Moscow’s official radio station Mayak to talk about science, technology and art. and – uhm – it’s in russian. Наука журналист Илья Колмановский пригласил меня к

Human Use of Human Beings (2013)
Curated by Charles Carcopino Co-Produced by Lille3000, Seconde Nature, La Gare Numérique (Jeumont), Le Manège (Mons), DICRéAM (CNC) and Arcadi shown at Festival VIA Maubeuge, Festival Exit Paris, Gare St. Sauveur Lille, Seconde Nature Aix-en-Provence robotic installation In his 1950

Human Use of Human Beings (2013)
Curated by Charles Carcopino Co-Produced by Lille3000, Seconde Nature, La Gare Numérique (Jeumont), Le Manège (Mons), DICRéAM (CNC) and Arcadi shown at Festival VIA Maubeuge, Festival Exit Paris, Gare St. Sauveur Lille, Seconde Nature Aix-en-Provence robotic installation In his 1950

plis / replis at ACADIA conference in San Francisco
Ali Momeni and Hyung-Gul Kook present plis/replis at the ACADIA architecture conference in San Francisco. Check out our poster – it gives a great overview of the entire project. and also check out Hyung-Gul’s detailed post on the design of

plis / replis at ACADIA conference in San Francisco
Ali Momeni and Hyung-Gul Kook present plis/replis at the ACADIA architecture conference in San Francisco. Check out our poster – it gives a great overview of the entire project. and also check out Hyung-Gul’s detailed post on the design of

Interview on Radio France Culture
Interview about Tragedy of the Commons and plis/replis with Aude Lavigne in La Vignette on France Culture, Thursday February 9 2012, 20h55 CET

Interview on Radio France Culture
Interview about Tragedy of the Commons and plis/replis with Aude Lavigne in La Vignette on France Culture, Thursday February 9 2012, 20h55 CET

The Body is a Vessel on the Radio in Montreal
Artist and radio host Liz Pieries did a short piece on my free-diver performance The Body is a Vessel on her monday morning show on CKUT 90.3FM in Montreal

The Body is a Vessel on the Radio in Montreal
Artist and radio host Liz Pieries did a short piece on my free-diver performance The Body is a Vessel on her monday morning show on CKUT 90.3FM in Montreal

plis/replis on ArchDaily
Architecture blog ArchDaily just published a note on our work at Pommery. check it out here

plis/replis on ArchDaily
Architecture blog ArchDaily just published a note on our work at Pommery. check it out here

plis/replis on Beaux Arts Magazine cover
plis/replis for a special edition of Beaux Arts Magazine on the Pommery Exhibition

plis/replis on Beaux Arts Magazine cover
plis/replis for a special edition of Beaux Arts Magazine on the Pommery Exhibition

Interview on Radio France Inter
Interview with journalist Daniel Fièvet in Ouvert la Nuit on Radio France Inter broadcast September 12 2011

Interview on Radio France Inter
Interview with journalist Daniel Fièvet in Ouvert la Nuit on Radio France Inter broadcast September 12 2011

Arte TV
“Truce“, “A Tentative Call to the Other” and “Serenity and Serendipity” – 3 works I created with Ali Momeni, are presented in Arte’s TV show “Tracks” français: deutsch:

Arte TV
“Truce“, “A Tentative Call to the Other” and “Serenity and Serendipity” – 3 works I created with Ali Momeni, are presented in Arte’s TV show “Tracks” français: deutsch:

Paris Art Interview
Back in July 2010 the french art magazine Paris-Art published an interview on my works with Ali Momeni for Dynasty at the Musée d’Art Moderne and the Palais de Tokyo. Read it in french, after the jump!

Paris Art Interview
Back in July 2010 the french art magazine Paris-Art published an interview on my works with Ali Momeni for Dynasty at the Musée d’Art Moderne and the Palais de Tokyo. Read it in french, after the jump!

DYNASTY on Radio France
French radio show Escale Estivale on France Inter visiting the DYNASTY exhibition at Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (A Tentative Call to the Other) and Palais de Tokyo (Truce).

DYNASTY on Radio France
French radio show Escale Estivale on France Inter visiting the DYNASTY exhibition at Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (A Tentative Call to the Other) and Palais de Tokyo (Truce).

On Analytical vs. Schizophrenic Procedures for Computing Music
I published a paper in the journal Contemporary Music Review (Volume 28, Issue 2) together with Frédéric Voisin on analytical vs. schizophrenic procedures for computing music. Amongst other things, the paper analyzes our work for Last Manoeuvres in the Dark. You

On Analytical vs. Schizophrenic Procedures for Computing Music
I published a paper in the journal Contemporary Music Review (Volume 28, Issue 2) together with Frédéric Voisin on analytical vs. schizophrenic procedures for computing music. Amongst other things, the paper analyzes our work for Last Manoeuvres in the Dark. You

Problèmes philosophiques et esthétiques soulevés par les prothèses neurosensorielles
Marcin Sobieszczanski published an article on philosophical and esthetical issues regarding neurophysiological prothesis. The article was published in the canadian review l’Archée. In the second part of his article Sobieszczanski illustrates the ideas of his article with two of my

Problèmes philosophiques et esthétiques soulevés par les prothèses neurosensorielles
Marcin Sobieszczanski published an article on philosophical and esthetical issues regarding neurophysiological prothesis. The article was published in the canadian review l’Archée. In the second part of his article Sobieszczanski illustrates the ideas of his article with two of my

Publication dans Archée
Archée, magazine pour le “cyberart et la cyberculture artistique” publie un article tiré de mon présentation au MAMAC de Nice. Fish, installation pour poissons vivants et ordinateur : l’interaction et l’apprentissage entre le vivant et l’artificiel L’artiste Robin Meier présente

Publication dans Archée
Archée, magazine pour le “cyberart et la cyberculture artistique” publie un article tiré de mon présentation au MAMAC de Nice. Fish, installation pour poissons vivants et ordinateur : l’interaction et l’apprentissage entre le vivant et l’artificiel L’artiste Robin Meier présente
Presentation of Experiments in Fish / Machine Communication (2007)
A video of a conference I held at the Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain MAMAC in Nice, February 2008: link to video Les compositions et installations de Robin Meier, artiste, sont influencées par son intérêt pour l’intelligence artificielle et
Presentation of Experiments in Fish / Machine Communication (2007)
A video of a conference I held at the Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain MAMAC in Nice, February 2008: link to video Les compositions et installations de Robin Meier, artiste, sont influencées par son intérêt pour l’intelligence artificielle et
Ars Electronica (2005)
Conference on hybridity by Frédéric Voisin and Robin Meier at Ars Electronica 2005.
Ars Electronica (2005)
Conference on hybridity by Frédéric Voisin and Robin Meier at Ars Electronica 2005.
intro mémoire EHESS: art et science (2007)
Entre le souci de l’explicité dans les sciences et la part inévitablement implicite de la création dans l’art, l’aspect “exotique”, qui apparaît en croisant les deux, devient moteur. L’étrangeté – la science qui à première vue, semble si différente et
intro mémoire EHESS: art et science (2007)
Entre le souci de l’explicité dans les sciences et la part inévitablement implicite de la création dans l’art, l’aspect “exotique”, qui apparaît en croisant les deux, devient moteur. L’étrangeté – la science qui à première vue, semble si différente et
Mémoire jit.robosom (2004)
DOWNLOAD Mémoire (pdf) DOWNLOAD jit.robosom (zip) Ce mémoire à pour objet de compléter et de documenter le travail que j’ai réalisé dans la recherche et le développement de jit.robosom. jit.robosom est une abstraction pour MaxMSPJitter qui implémente un réseau de
Mémoire jit.robosom (2004)
DOWNLOAD Mémoire (pdf) DOWNLOAD jit.robosom (zip) Ce mémoire à pour objet de compléter et de documenter le travail que j’ai réalisé dans la recherche et le développement de jit.robosom. jit.robosom est une abstraction pour MaxMSPJitter qui implémente un réseau de
Playing Integrated Music Knowledge With Artificial Neural Network (2004)
Article published 2004 in the Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Proceedings. Authors: Frédéric Voisin and Robin Meier This text presents some aspects of the Neuromuse project developed at CIRM. We will present some experiences in using self-organizing maps (SOM) to
Playing Integrated Music Knowledge With Artificial Neural Network (2004)
Article published 2004 in the Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Proceedings. Authors: Frédéric Voisin and Robin Meier This text presents some aspects of the Neuromuse project developed at CIRM. We will present some experiences in using self-organizing maps (SOM) to

Mémoire EHESS (2007)
Mémoire pour le Diplôme de l’EHESS, obtenu avec distinction en Septembre 2007 (30mb): “Modèles de la cognition et leurs expérimentations artistiques” MODÈLES DE LA COGNITION ET LEURS EXPÉRIMENTATIONS ARTISTIQUES Introduction Art et Science Parcours personnel Organisation du mémoire 1

Mémoire EHESS (2007)
Mémoire pour le Diplôme de l’EHESS, obtenu avec distinction en Septembre 2007 (30mb): “Modèles de la cognition et leurs expérimentations artistiques” MODÈLES DE LA COGNITION ET LEURS EXPÉRIMENTATIONS ARTISTIQUES Introduction Art et Science Parcours personnel Organisation du mémoire 1